
The face of mars website
The face of mars website

These rampant speculations were primarily based on two massive suppositions. This also added weight to a theory of our origins known as ‘directed panspermia’ 2 in which primordial life on Earth was deliberately seeded by aliens, and evolution did the rest. Now that ‘pyramid structures’ were seen on Mars, it seemed to add weight to claims about ancient extraterrestrials leaving their calling cards in our solar system.

the face of mars website

For years, famous UFO believers such as Erich Von Däniken in his best-selling book Chariots of the Gods (1968) had claimed that older, more advanced aliens had built the pyramids of Egypt and other structures. He went even further by claiming that intelligent races once existed on our own moon and also on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Controversy sells, and Hoagland’s claims became very popular. In 1987 Hoagland released his book The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever, dubbing this area of Cydonia, ‘The City Square’. The book The Roswell Incident had taken root in popular culture with its false claims that an alien spacecraft crash-landed in New Mexico in 1947, and that the government hid wreckage and alien bodies retrieved from the site. The 1980s saw the UFO phenomenon explode. NASA’s attempted quashing only increased the conspiratorial notions that ‘true believers’ in the UFO movement already thought they ‘knew’-namely, that governments cover up the truth about UFOs and alien visitations.

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Hoagland, a self-promoting ‘science advisor’, who even assisted respected TV newsman Walter Cronkite during the Apollo mission broadcasts. The idea that a long-lost Martian civilization built the structures was propagated mainly by Richard C. But as I have discovered over many years of research into the UFO phenomenon, the true believers never let the facts get in the way of a good story. NASA tried to calm speculation that advanced alien civilizations created the structures. The images became a sensation, and very quickly thoughts turned to what type of aliens built them, and where they might have come from! In this same region of Mars, called Cydonia, other structures that resembled pyramids were seen. Suddenly, newspapers all over the world were proclaiming ‘The Face on Mars.’ One structure which was roughly 1.9 km x 2.6 km (1.2 x 1.6 miles) looked like a human-like face complete with headdress (see figure 1). While photographing potential landing sites for future manned missions to Mars, on 1 July 1976, NASA’s Viking 1 revealed some unusual features on the Martian surface. Viking 1’s image that started it all in 1976. A 2001 picture from the Mars Global Surveyor revealed there was no ‘face’.

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By Gary Bates NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems Figure 2.

The face of mars website